s collage titled, "Grande Cicada / Mother Lode"Sketch of the Grand Cicada collage
Artist’s book, “Homemaker,” with wall-mounted, jumbo pages with poetry about classic home-making practices contrasted with outsourced goods common in America todays book app: "Book Worm Tales"Visual dictionary of Dutch words in a handmade, slipcased book“Solidarity Sashes: Miss Piggy and Other Titles that Threaten Donald Trump’s Insecurities,” artist’s book in the style of a Miss America sash“Post Partum Period,” a list poem about the period of time after giving birth in accordion-fold formatA large collage on a schoolroom map called, "Less-On"“Made in the USA — Skirtbook” — an artist’s book in the form of a skirt with a custom-printed pattern made of scans of tags from household clothingDetail from “When I Became a Woman,” showing a hand pulling one of the cards out of a sleeve.“Oxytocin Good,” miniature flap book about giving birth naturallyAn fanned-open view of the miniature book, “Tiny Moments.”“Seam-stress,” a collage in the Cicada Series made of materials reminiscent of the artist’s Mom, including sewing materials.“Tips and Timecards” is a diptych of cicadas facing one another in white oval frames, made of paper ephemera about work.“A Woman May Cry” is a visual poem in a looping, ribbon formatDetail from a collage that includes layers of map drawings from old dictionariesA miniatures cicada collage from the Cicada Series; includes potato bag mesh and a yellow bird